This week we completed the final touches on a contemporary Japanese garden in the Dallas Prestonwood area. The landscape relied heavily on traditional Japanese garden elements but were simple and bold to introduce a modern look that required lower maintenance.
Vertical living elements include Tanyosho Pine, Weeping Bald Cypress, Weeping Yaupon Holly, and 4 varieties of Japanese Maple. I also introduced some Basalt Columns and Slim Vase Fountains for vertical features.
An Oklahoma chop stone border with random Mossy Boulder inserts separate the lawn from the planted spaces. Within these planted spaces include shrubs like Spreading Plum Yew, Variegated Pittosporum, Japanese Spirea, Autumn Rouge Azalea, Cast Iron Plant, Gold Dust Aucuba, Japanese Cleyera, Japanese Holly Fern, and Chinese fringe Loropetalum.
Drip Irrigation was used throughout the project to create a water efficient landscape.