A zero lot line yard has its own set of challenges. Proper drainage is the first thing to consider, because we do not want to push storm water into the customers or neighbors home.
The next item to consider is how a person is to move through the space. A path of some sort needs to be devised. Creating a path that moves right to left or left to right creates deeper individual planting spaces and gives the illusion of a wider and shorter space. The existing trees in this yard were fortunately in a position that allowed some movement of the path.
The remaining spaces are then planted with triangulated groups of dwarf, slow growing shrubs suitable for the growing conditions. Contrasting color and texture is key to the plant selection. I try to keep things simple and not shoehorn shrubs in these small areas, only to have them outgrow the space in a short period of time.
We installed this project this week even though it was a little cool. The greater number of day before summer the better. Generally, the winter poses very few threats to a newly planted landscape, but a landscape is always at risk in the summer if there is a lack of water. So, if you are ready for your landscape project there is no sense in waiting for spring!