In the back yard, the homeowner wanted an all weather path from the patio to the back gate, something interesting to look at from her breakfast area window, and she wanted the a/c compressor moved away from the grill. The front yard faced North, so there will be some light issues to address, and the Asian Jasmine ground cover had to go. Again, we were looking for some visual interest in the walk-up to the front door.
To enhance the front we planted some 'Autumn Rouge' Encore Azaleas, Moon Bay Nandina, Dwarf Japanese Maple, and Spreading Plum Yew. With the back yard, PaveStone was used to construct the patio and walkway and we selected a Windmill Palm in front of the breakfast area window with Spreading Plum Yew underneath. Along the path, Supergreen Liriope, Nana Nandina, and Cross Vine help to soften the neighbors wall. A Savanna Holly tree form in the back will soften the view of the alley.